viernes, 11 de enero de 2008

Trials of life

Jordan, Antwone and Joshua have been sick for the past few days (I blame it all on the weather here in Madrid, sigh). I feel soo bad for them, runny noses and all. And now Amelia is getting the cold too. I think my smushy is quite bewildered with this whole new world of coughing.

Poor things, I feel for them all!!

But despite being sickly Amelia is surprisingly cheery (gets it from

Here's a pic I took of her today...

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

soo cute!!!! awww cant wait to meet the little munchkin!!! luv u hunny...besito!

Elisa de la Torre dijo...

ahh i love the eyes!! :D

Anónimo dijo...

aww man she has become so pretty!!! they grow so fast dude she was just a little squashy the other day...crazy. i need to 2 see her soon.

caught in the act