sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008


FUN FUN FUN....was super nice...I slept in a little...then got up, had word time, relaxed....then me and Mel decided to hv one of our pyscho "photoshoots"....was fun.
I think Mel's picture won tho...thats why I put it up...nyak nyak.
And heres a picture of my super cutsie Amelia when she just woke up from her nap today.....

Too bad I don't have any pix of our bike ride tho...that was extra funny. Me, Mel and Ozie crusing down the road....going down the freaky bike hill thingy...and then crossing the metro tracks...wuhooo...crazy fun. YUP YUP

miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008


We got an AMAZING amount of meat from the provisioning! I'm sooo pleased! we have both our freezers and both our fridge freezers full:D Then of course he's also supplied us with so much else...it's just amazing how the Lord spoils us.
Now we just need to keep praying for our furniture situation. WE NEED COUCHES! PTL TYJ....I know we'll get all this stuff in the end.
Anyhow....Amelia fell asleep with Mel this afternoon with NO freak out session....no nursing...she just, fell asleep! I was extreamly pleased...yet at the same time kind of frustrated...cuz she never does that with me! hrmph. Oh well...lalala.
I guess she knows I've got the goods (milk) LOL

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008

Fun in the rain

Mel ATTEMPTED to make me look good in pictures today...but I'll be honest and say...NO photoshoot no matter how good the photographer will make me look good in a photo...harhar....it's just the way I am/look.....but we had fun nonetheless...nyak nyak.

sábado, 10 de mayo de 2008

Butt bruises

First day I've gone out without Amelia. Was kinda strange...and I was kind of nervous, but was all good in the end :D
I think my butt has bruises from riding the bike though. LOL. Mel and Timmy probably were annoyed with me freaking out about me not having gone on a bike for eons...and especially being scared sh**less when we had to go down hill.....(I still get freaked out when I think of it now...LOL) On our way back I convinced Mel to go a way where we didn't have to go down hill...THANK GOD!!! All in all was fun.
No good looking people in this city though. Neyak neyak.
I guess the Lord wants to keep Mel on the straight and narrow *whistle*

martes, 6 de mayo de 2008

Happy Times

Amelia loves her bath time, PTL! I've heard kids freak out for their baths, so I'm very glad she likes the water. Shes gotten to the age where they LOVE splashing around....I might have to start wearing a bathing suit when she goes in, hehe.

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2008


The sweetest little cousins Amelia has! This was a day when I was trying to clean my room, and Amelia was being fussy, so I told the boys to entertain her for a little bit. Aren't they just the cutest?
Happy children ( well....Jordan looks happy, the other two seem too preoccupied to be happy, hehe)
My little angel!

caught in the act