domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Almost 2 years.

In 10 hours and 13 minutes exactly it will be 2 years since I became a mother.
I remember looking at the clock in the delivery room as soon as she came out and it was 6:05 a.m. A moment I can never change, but a moment that was worth everything that has happened so far, and that will happen in the future.
Right after I had her, I was in that weird half lying half sitting position with my legs on the stirrups and dreading having to give one more push to get the friggin placenta out, while there, I wondered if I would actually be able to love her like a normal mother should. They put her on me, and I was in shock, this little human being, this little girl was mine!
I still don't really think I felt anything like love, or whatever till a couple hours later, when the full reality of it hit me. I looked at her and I realised, she really is mine, and shes here to stay.
So, here she is, almost two, and here I am, extremely proud and happy we've both survived this far.
It's been hard, I won't lie. Sometimes I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep forever and never wake up. Shes active, which as great as that is, makes me want to tie her down for a long time. heh. But just her smile, and when she says things in her cutest lil voice, and when she gives me kissies and says "mommy sad," makes my heart want to melt and I want to squeeze her to infinity.

Ever so pleased.....

for Vicky. She has popped out a very fine, very handsome human being. Too bad he's too young for my lil one. :-P
Love you loads Vicks!!!

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

The Delay

So I'm like all happy because I now have enough money for my tounge piercing, and I even have the piercings for after I finish the healing process....BUT, I have a small issue about it, cause it's just not as exciting doing it alone as having it planned with someone to do together so you can suffer the pain and non eatting days at the same time.
I think I'm going to wait till I have someone to go do it with.

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

Out to Granada

Vanilla and Chocolate
Amelia wanted her own chair
Sita and Darren
Darren looking confused

Amelia and I went out with Sita and Darren my last day in Granada, and decided we wanted the delightful company of Anita and Isabel, and then Danny tagged along too...not to say we didn't enjoy his company. hehe.
I wish I had pictures of Anita, Isabel and Danny, but unfortunately my camera went out of battery.

martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009


They're are like....the CUTEST things!!! They're so handsome all the little girls are going to be fighting over them. hehhe

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009

Beginning of August

Well, here I am, 1st of August, and it just reminds me that this month I turn 18. Turning 18 means that I will no longer be 17 (who would've guessed). I already feel I'm going to miss 17. It was an extremely interesting year for me, one full of new experiences, pain, joy, making new friends, tears, have no idea!
I've lost somethings, but gained so much more in return!
Anyways, rantings and ravings on a hot day.
I just think I'll mention that right now I miss Eman, Kat, Adrian, Adam, Esty, Lily, Vale, JM, Sophi and my nephews, they are the main people who made this year not only bearable, but enjoyable too.
Enjoy the rest of your summer, eat icecream and swim :D

caught in the act