viernes, 4 de enero de 2008

Here we go here we go hey ho

Well well well, I have begun a blog. I think I was feeling a bit left out and uncool, maybe because I am...hmmm, (I dwell on the thought for a moment). Anyhow, yes...I will begin by telling all a little about me, not everything because then there is nothing left for you to discover (how mysterious, NOT) .

Well if you are looking at my blog you probably already know me, which means you probably already know this but what the heck......
Name: Michelle
Age: 16, like the song in sound of music..."I am sixteen going onto seventeen"
Location: Spain, but hopefully will be leaving here sometime in this centuary.
Status: Single Mother.

A little about me: Okay, as you have probably guessed, I am an extreame time waster, I mean, who goes and writes all this stuff about themselves, really?!! I should be getting extra word time or bonding with the humans in my home but instead here I am making a blog, how LAME!!! Lol.
I am a Christian in the Family, and Jesus is my best friend, lover and all that kinda stuff....if it wouldnt be for him dying for me all my life would be a real mess and total crap!!
My daughter is the most important person in my life!!!! I love my family and friends.
What I hate the most is betrayal and liers!!!! And I feel I'm making this too long so I will end this with this (Nat says it's depressing, I say it's poetic,lol)
"If you ever see me cry, just pass me by, I'll get over it soon. If you ever tell a lie just pass me by, I wont be forgiving you till next years June."

1 comentario:

Boo ya dijo...

aw mishu its so cool you started a blog! amelias so cute btw. beautiful!! xxx

caught in the act