martes, 26 de enero de 2010

cause I miss those days...

I was a happy banana

domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

Terra Natura

A very late post for a worthy to be posted about time. This was from when me and Esty went to Terra Natura with Jordan, Joshua, and Amelia (Antwone was too sick to come). Was super nice, I was all happy Amelia would get to see all these animals, but instead she kept pointing to the water, and saying..."mommy look, AGUA!" Ehh...ok.
But yeah, thanks Esty for taking us, and for making it fun.

viernes, 1 de enero de 2010

Christmas pictures

Not many and not very good, but as I always say...the camera isn't my best friend, I keep forgetting about it in the most important moments. sigh.

caught in the act