domingo, 29 de junio de 2008

WE WON....AGAIN....hahah

Ok...will post more interesting things for others of about my trip to Terra Mitica, and the crazy spastic BBQ our home organized and like at LEAST 40 people came to (if not more).
But yeah....for today......WEEEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS...MY FRIEND!!!!!

domingo, 22 de junio de 2008


SPAIN WON ITALY!!! HAHAHA. I enjoyed the game quite muchly, I watched it with Fran, Esty, Timmy, Mel, and Oz. .....very intense and we all almost died of heart attacks quite a few times, lol.
ANYHOW......VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

viernes, 20 de junio de 2008

AMELIAS GOT A TOOOOOTH!!!! haha. You can't really seeee it yet...but you can feel it. Gosh....she better not bite!! Well...about time she got, as her nephew Joshua already has 2 soon to be three, and hes 7 months.
I've been quite grateful for the lack of Amelia's teeth...but I guess all good things must come to and end. LOL

lunes, 16 de junio de 2008

buff...havent posted in a while

I have finally decided to post on my recently dormant blog. After having a few issues with my computer, I was slightly afraid to put pictures on it , so yeah....hrmm...not the most interesting to post when you have no photos. are some pictures of my bunchkin.
Shes getting HUGE.... it's insane!!! agh.... I've decided I'm going to stop time, nyak nyak.
No...but seriously... shes been learning sooo much this last month!!!
-shes learned to clap
- pick up her cup and drink from it
-she crawls
-stands by holding onto something
-stands for a few seconds without holding on anything.

and thats not even everything....its crazy how quickly babies grow, and I almost cried the other day. At least she has no teeth yet. muahahahahha.
Guess Esty is right.... I probably will cry on Amelia's first birthday. DANG.
PTL....I just pray I do a good job as a mother.

I've learned a lot of lessons and stuff in this past month too. One of them being, that the Lord will always be there, even when I feel like my world's about to crumble and fall around me!
I've rediscovered that the family IS where I want to be, and when my loved ones forsake me then will the Lord lift me up! I'm in the Lord's army and I'm gonna fight till I drop. PTL for trials and tribulations, they really do help us grow closer to Jesus, and its worth the pain and strain for the gain. WUHO...that rhymed.

ohhhh....and the Italians are here.

caught in the act