miércoles, 23 de enero de 2008

Shes growing uuuup.....

Today Amelia has eaten cereal...wowawiwu. I'm having mixed feelings about her getting older. (sniff---giggle---burst into fits of uncontrollable tears)...ok, now that moment of emotional breakdown is over......

No really, it's an odd feeling, and in a way I wish she could stay small and innocent forever, but it's not to be, and I'll love her the same always.

Just because I'm missing her small tuchi wuchi stages I'll put some old pics up.

1 comentario:

Zephyr dijo...

Oh my goodness. That thing is Smush?? But, but, it's tinnnnnney!! And Smush isnt tiney. Smush is big. I dont even recognize her.

caught in the act