viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

For Jelly, this post is a very belated birthday post for Mel (see Mel, I'm doing this for you can stop being bitter. nyuck nyuck).
Well....this is the story of how we met......or....something
One day, mucho tiempo ago, when we were still living in Torrent...Mel passed by our house because she was going to the FDTP (hip hip hurray) and we were helping freakos get over there and stuff.....
SO, she passed by, and she had her hair in 2 frenchie braids...and uhhh....I don't remember what she was wearing, but she didn't have her glasses on....uhhhh....(I'm forgetting the rest now...drat)
So yes, uhhhh....she was bonding with one of the other FDTP girls, and I remember thinking with Ozie that she was a priss....I don't even remember WHY, but for some reason we did, and uhhh...gowsh....I totally forget anything else that happend!
So yeah, then like a whole year later she joined our WONDERFUL (ehum) home in Madrid...and then we bonded......ugh....too long a yes, uhh...I miss Mel.
She abandoned us and all, but I still love her, and I think shes a snazzy person, who has a pelo khappy.
Anyways...Happy Belated Birthday Mel. Always remember to "BELIEVE IT" and remember the Kazikstan Kaputo! and all those fun things....stay freaky and stuff.

caught in the act