sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008


FUN FUN FUN....was super nice...I slept in a little...then got up, had word time, relaxed....then me and Mel decided to hv one of our pyscho "photoshoots"....was fun.
I think Mel's picture won tho...thats why I put it up...nyak nyak.
And heres a picture of my super cutsie Amelia when she just woke up from her nap today.....

Too bad I don't have any pix of our bike ride tho...that was extra funny. Me, Mel and Ozie crusing down the road....going down the freaky bike hill thingy...and then crossing the metro tracks...wuhooo...crazy fun. YUP YUP

2 comentarios:

Boo ya dijo...

hahaha youre such a weirdo!!!!!! i love it! amelia is so cute btw i could totally squish her.

Anónimo dijo...

awesome pictures! mel looks super hot, but you look hotter mishu!! your pictures kick ass!!!! love you

caught in the act