jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

First day at Kindergarden

I didn't get to take pictures inside her classroom, teacher kind of hinted that it's not good to make a big fuss about leaving her. Maybe when I go to pick her up later on.
But the pictures are from before we went inside the school....
Just before she went inside she asked for potty, which is good, because she's kind of picky about the people she asks, so at least she asked me so I could tell the girl to put her on the potty.
I almost didn't leave her, cause as I was walking out, she looked at me with this confused face, and said, "Mommy?" Sounding all betrayed and stuff....I was like...nooo! I have to run out of here before I take her back home with me!!!!
I think she'll do OK though...we'll see when I go to pick her up at 1:00.
Pray we'll both survive this.
P.S. She has a huge pimple on her cheek and it hurts her...poor bunchkin.

1 comentario:

Elisa de la Torre dijo...

ahwww i have a pingu too, a bit smaller...and he goes with me wherever i go....lol well not exactly
she looks so cutee

caught in the act