miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2008

My 100th Post

Wooow...I've posted 99 (not counting this one) posts on my blog, geeez.
Well, when better to post your 100th post then at the start of the New Year eh?
Well, I'd like to say this has been the best year of my life, but I'd be lying...but I will say this....
2008 was a year of learning, a year of adapting to change, and a year of spiritual and emotional recovery. I can't say I've fully recovered, but I feel I'm well on my way, and I think that the Lord has something extra special for all of us who have had a difficult last couple years..maybe not this year, but he does have something special saved for each and everyone of us!
I have so much to be thankful for, a beautiful, intelligent daughter, a family that cares for me, trials, tests and tears which I'm still learning from, making new friends, Glenn coming to visit, and so much more!
Now as the New Year comes, all I wish for is- that whether or not I have a "good year," I'll grow closer to the Lord no matter what, that I'll find my niche in life, and that I can be the mother Amelia deserves.
So.....Good-bye 2008, 2009 is just around the corner.

But me oh my...I do have to say....what a way we're going to begin our New Year! No grapes, no T.V even if we had the grapes, and all our home sick. YEHAW! LOL
PTL, we'll figure something out....no partying for me though *sniffle, blows nose, coughs, and lays down for a nap*

3 comentarios:

Elisa de la Torre dijo...

omg, no grapes!!!?
eat raisins at least!!

lov eyou, have a wonderful new year, you deserve all the best and even more :)

Anónimo dijo...

we have grapes..........we have a TV

never fear
esty is near.........lol

Michelle dijo...

YAY! Thank God!

caught in the act