jueves, 14 de febrero de 2008

What boredom does to you

Well...I don't really have much to post about...but I thought I should post something to entertain you people...heh. So here are some pictures we took as a result of our extreme boredom.

Ohh....and today is Valentine's day...I would say Happy Valentines...but since I think it's a stupid day....I won't :P.

Ohhh...and Mel has decided she is the Ebenezzer Scrooge of Valentines...so I thought this saying would be just fine. "“Every idiot who goes about with `Happy Valentines’ on their lips should be boiled with their own chocolate, and buried with a rose thorn through their heart. They should!”

Putting myself in Ozie's....err...corset
The grooviest picture of them all...hehehe.
We're all gonna diiiie.
Mel likes to think she looks like Mr. Feather....ohhh...drool...our sexiness just oozes out of us.
Even sexier then before....I think Mel is extra sexy in this picture...hehe

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caught in the act